The arguments
, interaction_code
of the events functions must contain some C++
code given by the user. You don’t need to be a C++ guru to write the few
instructions needed. These functions should use very little C++ syntax.
They are essentially arithmetic or logical operations, tests and calls
to predefined functions, which we give an overview below.
For code efficiency, you should not allocate memory in these
functions (no new
) or use type containers
, std::list
, …). If you think you
need to allocate memory, consider as parameter an R vector that will be
mapped via arma::vector
(see below), or declare the
variable as static
. Also, it should not be necessary to
make a loop. Keep in mind that these functions should be fast.
There are no C++ language restrictions so you can use all the functions of the standard C++11 library. However we detail in this section some functions that should be sufficient. For more details on C++ and Rcpp we recommend:
.int myNum = 5; // Integer (whole number without decimals)
double myFloatNum = 5.99; // Floating point number (with decimals)
char myLetter = 'D'; // Character
bool myBoolean = true; // Boolean (true or false)
data type can take the values true
(1) or false
(0).a < b
a <= b
a > b
a >= b
a == b
a != b
, &&
, -
, /
, %
, -=
, /=
, %=
, --
? :
The conditional
operator evaluates an expression, returning one value if that expression
evaluates to true
, and a different one if the expression
evaluates as false
. Its syntax is:condition ? result1; : result2;
, else if
, else
statements to specify a block of C++ code to be executed if one or more
conditions are or not true
.if (condition1) {
// block of code to be executed if condition1 is true
} else if (condition2) {
// block of code to be executed if the condition1 is false and condition2 is true
} else {
// block of code to be executed if the condition1 is false and condition2 is false
but limited to constant expressions. Its most typical syntax is:switch (expression)
case constant1:
case constant2:
It works in the following way: switch evaluates expression and checks
if it is equivalent to constant1
; if it is, it executes
until it finds the break
statement. When it finds this break statement, the program jumps to the
end of the entire switch statement (the closing brace).
loop.for (statement 1; statement 2; statement 3) {
// code block to be executed
while (condition) {
// code block to be executed
For more details we recommend a few pages of about:
The most popular functions of the cmath
library, which
is included in the package, are the following:
(natural logarithm)cos(x)
, sin(x)
pow(x, a)
meaning xa and
meaning $\sqrt{x}$abs(x)
meaning ⌈x⌉ and floor(x)
meaning ⌊x⌋max(x, y)
Note that these functions are not vectorial, the arguments
and y
must be scalar. If the user wants to
call some other functions of cmath
not listed in the table,
this is possible by adding the prefix std::
to the name of
the function (scope resolution operator ::
to access to
functions declared in namespace standard std
To facilitate the model creation, the individuals’ characteristics and a list model parameters can be declared in the R environment and used in the C++ code.
The data shared between the R environment and the C++ code are:
Here is the conversion table used between the atomic types of R and C++.
C++ type | R type |
bool | logical |
int | integer |
double | double |
char | character |
Individuals characteristics
The characteristics of an individual are defined by a named character
vector containing the name of the characteristic and the associated C++
type. The function ?get_characteristics
provides a way to
extract the characteristics from a population data frame.
pop <- population(IBMPopSim::EW_popIMD_14$sample)
## male IMD
## "bool" "int"
The requires birth
and death
characteristics are of type double
Atomic model parameters
The model parameters are given by a named list of R objects. We
recall that the type of an R object can be determined by calling the
function. Atomic objects declared as model
parameters can be directly used in the C++ code.
In the example below, the variable code
contains simple C++
instructions depending on the parameters defined in params
The summary
of the model mod
gives useful
information on the types of characteristics and parameters used in C++
params <- list("lambda" = 0.02, "alpha" = 0.4, "mu" = as.integer(2))
code <- "result = lambda + alpha * (age(I, t) + mu);"
event_birth <- mk_event_individual("birth", intensity_code = code)
mod <- mk_model(get_characteristics(pop), events = list("birth" = event_birth),
parameters = params, with_compilation = FALSE)
## Events description:
## [[1]]
## Event class : individual
## Event type : birth
## Event name : birth
## Intensity code : 'result = lambda + alpha * (age(I, t) + mu);'
## Kernel code : ''
## ---------------------------------------
## Individual description:
## names: birth death male IMD
## R types: double double logical integer
## C types: double double bool int
## ---------------------------------------
## R parameters available in C++ code:
## names: lambda alpha mu
## R types: double double integer
## C types: double double int
Two of the possible model parameters types given in the argument
of the ?mk_model
function are R
vectors and R matrices. We call R vector a numeric
length at least 2. These types are converted, using the RcppArmadillo
library, in C++ Armadillo
types, arma::vec
and arma::matrix
The classes arma::vec
and arma::matrix
rich and easy-to-use implementations of one-dimensional and
two-dimensional arrays. To access to individual elements of an array,
use the operator ()
(or []
in dimension
or [n]
for arma::vec
access the n-th element.(i,j)
for arma::matrix
, access the element
stored at the i-th row and
j-th column.Warning: The first element of the array is indexed by subscript of 0 (in each dimension).
Another standard way (in C++) to access elements is to used iterators. An iterator is an object that, pointing to some element in a range of elements, has the ability to iterate through the elements of that range using a set of operators (see more details on iterators).
Let v
be a an object of type arma::vec
A be a an object of type arma::matrix
. Here we show how to
get the begin and the end iterators of these objects.
: iterator pointing to the begin of
: iterator pointing to the end of
: iterator pointing to the first element
of row i
: iterator pointing to the last element of
row i
: iterator pointing to the first element
of column i
: iterator pointing to the last element of
column i
To facilitate the implementation of intensity functions and kernel
code, R functions have been predefined in IBMPopSim
, which
can be defined as model parameters and then called in the C++ code. The
goal is to make their use as transparent as possible.
Here is a list of such functions that can be defined as a R object and called from R and C++.
: Step function.linfun
: Linear interpolation function.gompertz
: Gompertz–Makeham intensity function.weibull
: Weibull density function.piecewise_x
: Piecewise real function.See the reference manual for mathematical definitions of these
functions (?stepfun
Once the model is created, these predefined functions are transformed
into C++ functions, identified as function_x
We illustrate below some examples of the use of these functions:
a stepfun
depending on some
values in EW_pop_14$rates
. Note that this function applies
to an age a
dr <- with(EW_pop_14$rates,
stepfun(x = death_male[,"age"], y = c(0, death_male[,"value"])))
autoplot(dr, xlab="age", ylab="dr", shape=NULL,main="Example of step function")
We can also initialize a piecewise real function f
defined by the function dr
before age 80, and by a
Gompertz-Makeham intensity function for ages after 80.
f <- piecewise_x(80, list(dr, gompertz(0.00006, 0.085)))
x <- seq(40, 110)
ggplot(data.frame(x=x, y=sapply(x, f)), aes(x=x, y=y))+ geom_step() + xlab("Age") +ylab("f") + ggtitle("Example of piecewise function")
as a model
parameter named rate
. The function is used to defined the
intensity of death events in the model. sparams <- list("rate" = dr)
event <- mk_event_individual("death", intensity_code = "result = rate(age(I, t));")
mod <- mk_model(get_characteristics(pop), events = list("death" = event),
parameters = params, with_compilation = FALSE)
## Events description:
## [[1]]
## Event class : individual
## Event type : death
## Event name : death
## Intensity code : 'result = rate(age(I, t));'
## Kernel code : ''
## ---------------------------------------
## Individual description:
## names: birth death male IMD
## R types: double double logical integer
## C types: double double bool int
## ---------------------------------------
## R parameters available in C++ code:
## names: rate
## R types: closure
## C types: function_x
can actually be
replaced by any function of type function_x
. For example
you can callpopsim(mod, pop, params = list("rate" = dr), age_max = 120,
events_bounds = c("death" = dr(age_max)), time = 10)
as well as
popsim(mod, pop, params = list("rate" = f), age_max = 120,
events_bounds = c("death" = f(age_max)), time = 10)
In the C++ code these R functions declared with
are identified as function_xy
functions. See ?piecewise_xy
for mathematical definition.
This function allows to easily define a step function that depend on age
and time.
As parameter you can use a list of functions. All R functions in the
list must be of the same C++ type: either function_x
. In C++ code the list of functions is replaced
by a std::vector
of function_x
(with first element indexed by 0).
We use the following notations to describe the available C++ random distributions, which can be used in the C++ intensity and kernel codes.
𝒰(a, b) : Uniform distribution on [a, b] with a < b
ℰ(λ) : Exponential distribution, λ > 0
𝒩(μ, σ) : Gaussian distribution, μ, σ ∈ R
Pois(λ): Poisson distribution, λ > 0
Γ(α, β): Gamma distribution, α > 0, β > 0
Weib(a, b): Weibull distribution, a > 0, b > 0
𝒰{a, b}: Discrete uniform distribution on {a, a + 1, …, b} with a < b
ℬ(p): Bernoulli distribution, the probability of success is p ∈ (0, 1)
ℬ(n, p): Binomial distribution n ≥ 1, p ∈ (0, 1)
𝒟n : Discrete distribution with values in {0, …, n − 1} and with probabilities {p0, …, pn − 1}.
In the table below we show how to call them, which means how to make independent realizations of these random variables, and we give the reference to the C++ corresponding function of the random library hidden in this call.
Function call | Meaning | C++ random
internal function |
CUnif(a = 0, b = 1) | 𝒰(a, b) | uniform_real_distribution<double> |
CExp(λ = 1) | ℰ(λ) | exponential_distribution<double> |
CNorm(μ = 0, σ = 1) | 𝒩(μ, σ) | normal_distribution<double> |
CPoisson(λ = 1) | Pois(λ) | poisson_distribution<unsigned> |
CGamma(α = 1, β = 1) | Γ(α, β) | gamma_distribution<double> |
CWeibull(a = 1, b = 1) | Weib(a, b) | weibull_distribution<double> |
CUnifInt(a = 0, b = 231 − 1) | 𝒰{a, b} | uniform_int_distribution<int> |
CBern(p = 0.5) | ℬ(p) | bernoulli_distribution |
CBinom(n = 1, p = 0.5) | ℬ(n, p) | binomial_distribution<int> |
CDiscrete(p_begin ,
p_end ) |
𝒟n | discrete_distribution<int> |
In the discrete distribution call
CDiscrete(p_begin, p_end)
, the arguments
and p_end
represent the iterators to
the begin and to the end of an array which contains {p0, …, pn − 1}.
Note that the use of iterators is a convenient and fast way to access a
column or row of a matrix arma::mat