1. IBMPopSim::EW_popIMD_14
    England and Wales (EW) 2014 population and death rates by Index of Multiple Deprivation (IMD).
  2. IBMPopSim::EW_pop_14
    England and Wales (EW) 2014 population, death and birth rates.
  3. IBMPopSim::EW_pop_out
    Example of "human population" after 100 years of simulation.
  4. IBMPopSim::EWdata_hmd
    England and Wale mortality data (source: Human Mortality Database)
  5. IBMPopSim::toy_params
    Toy parameters for IBMPopSim-human_popIMD vignette example.
  6. ppsbm::generated_Q3
    Example dataset
  7. ppsbm::generated_Q3_n20
    Example dataset
  8. ppsbm::generated_sol_hist
    Output example of mainVEM
  9. ppsbm::generated_sol_kernel
    Output example of mainVEM